am i an idiot pretending to be interlligent or am i an intelligent person pretending to be an idiot? by letting you read SOME of my thoughts, im hoping that you'll be able to help me solve this mystery...
Published on June 2, 2005 By mistah_wednesday In Current Events
Every Filipino likes to blame the government for the country's numerous problems. But I wonder, how many people is part of the government bureaucracy? Let's say, for the sake of argument, out of a population of close to 80 million, there are 10 million government workers, including elected leaders like senators and the president. So What happened to the 70 million other Filipinos? Most likely, a lot of them have gone, or have been dreaming of going, to the proverbial "greener pastures" like the US and more recently, Canada and Australia. More than a few have become a part of the problem, notably the members of the NPA (New People's Army), MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front), Abu Sayyaf, and those pesky rallyists. Of course, there are those blessed few who, in their own little and not-so-little ways, try to do some good for this country. And what do the others think about them? A bunch of morons and lunatics! This is definitely what I hate about my country: Filipinos are more eager to pull themselves into a deeper pile of crap than to try to save themselves.
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